Brian Svean

Electrical Engineer / Software Developer

What I Do

Electronics Design

Circuit Board and Electrical Systems Design. Anywhere from Power Electronics to Wireless Communication.

Software Development

Software Development for Embedded Microelectronics of all kinds, including User Interfaces and Displays.

Website Design

Wesite Design and Maintence for sites such as this one! Improve your resume or portfolio with a personal website.

Who I AM

Hello, I'm Brian Svean... Electrical Engineer, Software Developer, and Builder. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and have about a decade of experience designing electronics for the Automotive and Medical Industries. I've designed products for large-scale production, custom designs, prototypes, you name it. Engineering is a passion of mine, and it's something that I enjoy doing in and out of the workplace; so please come and take a look around!

My Works

My Work Experience & Education

Fresenius Kabi

Principal Engineer, 2019 to Present


Embedded Systems Engineer, 2018 to 2019


Electrical Engineer, 2012 to 2018

Universtiy of Illinois at Chicago

Bachelors Degree in Electrical Engineering, Class of 2012

Keep In Touch With Me

I would Love To Hear From You

Rolling Meadows, IL, USA

+1 847 975 7316